EA has certified staff to cover a variety of testing and inspection needs. With Certified Nuclear Density Meter Operators, Wyoming DEQ Water & Wastewater Operators, ACI Concrete Field Testing Technicians as well as WYDOT trained testing technicians, we have the experience and resources needed to complete most construction and private testing needs.
Percolation Testing
Soil & Gravel - Field Density Compaction Testing, Sieve Analysis, Moisture and Density Testing, Gradations
Atterberg Limits - Particle Size Analysis, California Bearing Ratio Test (CBR)
Asphalt - Field Density Compaction Testing, Gradations, Bulk Specific Gravity Determination
Density & Void Analysis, Pavement Mix Design Review, Asphalt Cores
Concrete (ACI Certified) - Field Testing - Slump & Air Content, Compressive Strength Testing
Concrete Mix Design Review & Development, Concrete Cores, Unit Weight
Water - Total Coliform Bacteria & E. Coli
Paint Testing - Wet & Dry Film Thickness, Holiday Detector
Water Flow & Flow Testing - Pressure Recording, Turbidity, Stream Flow Measurement, Flow Testing