Effective planning and study services pay for themselves and save clients money and time. The conventional approach often results in high initial capital cost, as well as long-term operational and maintenance expenses. At EA, we pride ourselves in thinking "out of the box" and giving our clients cost-effective and efficient solutions.
Street & Pathway Master Plans
Traffic Studies & Transportation Plans
Storm Drainage Master Plans & Modeling
Business Park Feasibility Studies
Drainage Reports
Treated & Raw Water System Master Plans, Studies & Hydraulic Modeling
Sewer Master Plans, including Collection System & Pump Station Modeling
Wastewater Treatment Facilities Plans
Irrigation System Studies & Modeling
Solid Waste Management Plans
Environmental Review Reports
Hydrologic and Geohydrologic Studies
FEMA Flood Proofing Certificates/LOMA
Bridge Assessments
Bridge Structure Selection Reports
Chapter 23 Studies for Subdivision Development